POETRY: Moonchild

POSTED ON: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ 6:44 AM | 0 comments

Moon Child

The presence of the moon fills her bejeweled eyes
That sparkle like the mist that dances in the bittersweet skies

Her iridescent skin plays tribute to the beauty that's undisguised
The perfectness that forms her face, is found where her smile is revised

Floating in the veil of darkness, concealed by the expanse of sea
Her eyes swim in the isolation from the day, product of bullion's melody

The clouded skies start to hold her hostage and consume her view,
until all entities surrounding her are plagued with morning dew

The water that splashes the shores, forms it and gives it a rebirth
As her pupils notice and dwell upon the image of the weakened earth

She gives herself up to a particular landscape in her mind
Looking for the beauty that her eyes hasn't seen, but yet so many others find

Her heart is stolen by the faintest motions of the wind that her attention confines
She imagines that she touches and directs it with her hand to unwind

The remembrance of the moon child and sun's blessed neonate
As she fades in the glare of the lurking shadow and all the colors of fate

I rememberwriting this. One of my favorite non adult ones.
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