Really Tho???

POSTED ON: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ 6:58 AM | 0 comments

Have we stopped liking our chocolate hue that much that she feels comfortable walking around looking like this? Comfortable knowing that her face is 2000 hues lighter than her neck and the rest of her body.....really? She really painted that shit on....smdh

so that was my first reaction. I wanted to save this picture because it just speaks volumes and not only on this particular girl. But on the state of black girls and women. NOT the black girl lost. There aren't too many of those because these black girls/women that need help aren't lost. They are just over stimulated. Told too many things and told that they could yet can't be all of them. So they try. and try. and try. and THAT picture is the result of the trying. Why you would need to be that many hues lighter than what you really are is BEYOND me.


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Oh, my dear...